Search Results: "rrs"

4 December 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Freedom, Privacy and Our Choices

When I bought my Lenovo Yoga 2 13, I had great plans. I wanted a device, that I could use both, as a laptop, and also as a tablet. The path hasn't been easy. But then, no path in Free Software against Freedom and Privacy has been easy. The choice is left to us, the users. I had been a long time KDE User. With KDE's decision to have different UIs for different form factors (plasma active, plasma netbook, plasma desktop), it was now time to try something different. I had 2 choices to explore: Unity and GNOME. But given that Unity is not feasible in Debian, the obvious first option to explore was GNOME. And I guess my timing was perfect. I started with 3.14 which showed great promises about touch support, followed by 3.16 and now 3.18. There's still a long way to go, but GNOME definitely is in the right direction and improves impressively with each release. I would like to thank the Debian GNOME Team. You guys just are amazing. The pace at which the packages are prepared and pushed, it is a tough job. So, thank you. Now that I use GNOME, I also follow some GNOME development, file bugs and read User Feedback. While (many of) the design decisions that GNOME makes today is in line with what I desire, there are other users who aren't happy. Many don't like the new UI design GNOME is heading to, i.e. the fusion of the UI such that it is usable on both form factors: Desktop and Tablet. People find the Toolbars bloated. GNOME developer Allan Day has a good blog post showing the facts. But I think there's the other aspect which needs to be emphasized. By improving the same tools, the GNOME devs are making them capable to be used both, on Laptops and Tablets. This is important to me as a user. I still have the freedom of the tools I use.. And those tools don't sniff. By using the same tools in both modes, I also can reliably build a workflow. I remember when I was moving from IceDove to Evolution. It was painful, but once done, I now have an email client I can still use with basic touch workflow. If you take current GNOME out of the picture, what would a user do. Live with a Laptop and a Tablet, 2 separate device. The laptop running Debian and the Tablet ??? In the direction GNOME is in, it allows me to be liberated for both the use cases. My most valuable assets: data and time, both are efficient in use. And not to forget the reason for this blog entry: Freedom and Privacy. Sure you can choose not to buy/use a tablet at all, and live in a world 10yrs behind. By improving the same tools for both use cases, GNOME is also ensuring that they don't throw away learnings from the past. Today Gtk is touch ready and the same libs also are running when on Laptop. A feature addition/enhancement gets leveraged by both. The Search Bar addition into File Dialog is available both, in Laptop and Tablet mode. And the list could go on.... On the other hand, I'm not sure what the KDE User Experience is today. But if I have to log out of my plasma desktop session, to use in Tablet Mode (plasma active), that workflow is already a broken one. I do miss the flexibility KDE used to provide, where in a substantial part of the user flow could be heavily customized. This is one gripe I have with the GNOME Project in general. They just don't balance things at all. Elegance is not about cutting out features. There are simple things you'll miss in GNOME if you come from KDE. Like Ctrl+R in Kwrite. You can't do that in GEdit. Today, with companies like Google, who are developing tools that are cross-platform, stand as good examples as to what GNOME/KDE should do. Don't bloat the UI, but then again don't strip it off either. The Chromium Browser's UI is a great example. The Chromium UI Devs are pretty strict on what new visible field can be added. But under one Wrench button, they provide a world for everyone to be happy. Power Users can run through the option available, and Super Power Users can use things like chrome://settings and chrome://flags I the new world today, where without a proprietary stack running on your mobil device, it is literally useless; Efforts like that of from the GNOME Project, gives some hope.




11 November 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: apt-offline 1.7

Hello World, In this part of the world, today is a great day. Today is Diwali - the festival of lights On this day, I am very happy to announce the release of apt-offline, version 1.7. This release brings in a large number of fixes and is a recommended update. Thanks to Bernd Dietzel for uncovering the shell injection bug which could be exploited by carefully crafting the signature file. Since apt-offline could be run as 'root', this one was an important bug. Also thanks to him for the fix. During my tests, I also realized that apt-offline's --install-src-packages implementation had broken over time. --install-src-packages option can be useful to users who would like the offline ability to download a [Debian] source package, along with all its Build Dependencies. For further details on many of the other fixes, please refer to the git repository at the homepage. Packages for Debian (and derivatives) are already in the queue. Wishing You and Your Loved Ones a Very Happy Diwali.





30 October 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Fixing broken videos

Post iPhone launch, in this new age, it is common to carry a device capable of capturing high definition images and videos. Most people today carry a high end device capable of capturing video/audio, in the form of a Mobile Phone. This has made us raise our expectation that we should capture most moments, if not all. But as is with everything, sometimes things ditch you right at the moment when you did not want it to. In new age phones, scenarios usually are: you capturing a video and the actual data not written to the disk (battery drain, cpu overheat, software bug: Whatever). Such was my case from the year 2012, where one of the videos was corrupt. Corrupt as in, A/V not in sync. Now everytime I solve a real world problem using Free Software tools, I feel the need to express my gratitude. It also serves as a note for me (and maybe others too), for future, if I run into similar problems. ;-) So as it turns out (in layman terms), a video clip is nothing but 2 streams: Video and Audio. Now most video run at 30 frames per second. And the audio stream synchronizes with the video frames. Sorry, I did not read up beyond that, as I was able to fix my problem. cheekywink So, my thought was that the video stream is not corrupt. It just is rendering at a slower frame rate. So, there were 2 problems. 1: Video rendering slower than the usual 30 fps rate. 2: As a result of 1, audio not being in sync with video. Thanks to gpac tools, even a novice, I was able to quickly separate the streams. And then re-encode the video stream into 30 fps. And then merge the audio + video stream together. And the result: Just awesome. In below steps, Strip the video which results in a raw H264 data file. Similar for audio. And then just re-encode the streams, specifying the framerate.
MP4Box -add 20121002_164608.mp4#video -raw 1 -new test1
MP4Box -add 20121002_164608.mp4#audio -raw 2 -new test1_audio
MP4Box -add test1_track1.h264:fps=30 -add test1_audio_track2.aac -new test1_audio_30fps.mp4




20 October 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Controlling ill behaving applications with Linux Cgroups

For some time, I have been wanting to read more on Linux Cgroups to explore possibilities of using it to control Ill behaving applications. At this time, while I'm stuck in travel, it has given me some time to look into it. In our Free Software world, most of the things are do-o-cracy, i.e. when your use case is not the common one, it is typically you who has to explore possible solutions. It could be Bugs, Feature Requests or as is in my case, performance issues. But that is not to assume that we do not have better quality software in Free Software world. Infact, in my opinion, some of the tools available are far much more better than the competition in terms of features, and to add a sweetener (or nutritional facts) to it is the fact that Free Software liberates the user. One of my favorite tool, for photo management, is Digikam. Digikam is a big project, very featureful, and has some functionalities that may not be available in the competition. But as is with most Free Software projects, Digikam is a tool which underneath consumes many more subprojects from the Free Software ecosystem. For anyone who has used Digikam, may know some of the bugs that surface on it. Not necessarily a bug in Digikam, but maybe in one of the underneath libraries/tools that it consumes (Exiv, libkface, marble, OpenCV, libPGF etc). But the bottom line is that the overall Digikam experience (and if I may say: the overall GNU/Linux experience) takes a hit. Digikam has pretty powerful features for annotation, tagging, facial recognition. These features, together with Digikam, make it a compelling product. But the problem is that many of these projects are independent. Thus tight integration is a challenge. And at times, bugs can be hard to find, root cause and fix. Let's take a real example here. If you were to use Digikam today (version 4.13.0) with annotation, tagging and facial recognition as some of the core features for your use case, you may run into frustrating overall experience. Not just that, the bugs would also effect your overall GNU/Linux experience. The facial recognition feature, if triggered, will eat up all your memory. Thus leading you to uncover Linux's long old memory bug. The tagging feature, if triggered, again will lead to frequent I/O. Thus again leading to a stalled Linux system because of blocked CPU cycled, for nothing. So one of the items on my TODO list was to explore Linux Cgroups, and see if it was cleanly possible to tame a process to a confinement, so that even if it was ill behaving (for whatever reasons), your machine does not take the beating. And now that the cgroups consumer dust has kinda settled down, systemd was my first obvious choice to look at. systemd provides a helper utility, systemd-run, for similar tasks. With systemd-run, you could apply all the resource controller logic to the given process, typically cpu, memory and blkio. And restrict it to a certain set. You can also define what user to run the service as.
rrs@learner:/var/tmp/Debian-Build/Result$ systemd-run -p BlockIOWeight=10 find /
Running as unit run-23805.service.
2015-10-20 / 21:37:44         
rrs@learner:/var/tmp/Debian-Build/Result$ systemctl status -l run-23805.service
  run-23805.service - /usr/bin/find /
   Loaded: loaded
  Drop-In: /run/systemd/system/run-23805.service.d
            50-BlockIOWeight.conf, 50-Description.conf, 50-ExecStart.conf
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2015-10-20 21:37:44 CEST; 6s ago
 Main PID: 23814 (find)
   Memory: 12.2M
      CPU: 502ms
   CGroup: /system.slice/run-23805.service
            23814 /usr/bin/find /
Oct 20 21:37:45 learner find[23814]: /proc/3/net/raw6
Oct 20 21:37:45 learner find[23814]: /proc/3/net/snmp
Oct 20 21:37:45 learner find[23814]: /proc/3/net/stat
Oct 20 21:37:45 learner find[23814]: /proc/3/net/stat/rt_cache
Oct 20 21:37:45 learner find[23814]: /proc/3/net/stat/arp_cache
Oct 20 21:37:45 learner find[23814]: /proc/3/net/stat/ndisc_cache
Oct 20 21:37:45 learner find[23814]: /proc/3/net/stat/ip_conntrack
Oct 20 21:37:45 learner find[23814]: /proc/3/net/stat/nf_conntrack
Oct 20 21:37:45 learner find[23814]: /proc/3/net/tcp6
Oct 20 21:37:45 learner find[23814]: /proc/3/net/udp6
2015-10-20 / 21:37:51         
But, out of the box, graphical applications do not work. I haven't looked, but it should be doable by giving it the correct environment details.
Underneath, systemd is using the same Linux Control Groups to limit resources for individual applications. So, in cases where you have a requirement and do not have systemd, or you directly want to make use of cgroups, it could be easily done with basic cgroups tools like cgroup-tools.
With cgroup-tools, I now have a simple cgroups hierarchy set for my current use case, i.e. Digikam
rrs@learner:/var/tmp/Debian-Build/Result$ ls /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/rrs_customCG/
cgroup.clone_children           memory.kmem.tcp.limit_in_bytes      memory.numa_stat
cgroup.event_control            memory.kmem.tcp.max_usage_in_bytes  memory.oom_control
cgroup.procs                    memory.kmem.tcp.usage_in_bytes      memory.pressure_level
digikam/                        memory.kmem.usage_in_bytes          memory.soft_limit_in_bytes
memory.failcnt                  memory.limit_in_bytes               memory.stat
memory.force_empty              memory.max_usage_in_bytes           memory.swappiness
memory.kmem.failcnt             memory.memsw.failcnt                memory.usage_in_bytes
memory.kmem.limit_in_bytes      memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes         memory.use_hierarchy
memory.kmem.max_usage_in_bytes  memory.memsw.max_usage_in_bytes     notify_on_release
memory.kmem.slabinfo            memory.memsw.usage_in_bytes         tasks
memory.kmem.tcp.failcnt         memory.move_charge_at_immigrate
2015-10-20 / 21:45:38         
rrs@learner:/var/tmp/Debian-Build/Result$ ls /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/rrs_customCG/digikam/
cgroup.clone_children           memory.kmem.tcp.max_usage_in_bytes  memory.oom_control
cgroup.event_control            memory.kmem.tcp.usage_in_bytes      memory.pressure_level
cgroup.procs                    memory.kmem.usage_in_bytes          memory.soft_limit_in_bytes
memory.failcnt                  memory.limit_in_bytes               memory.stat
memory.force_empty              memory.max_usage_in_bytes           memory.swappiness
memory.kmem.failcnt             memory.memsw.failcnt                memory.usage_in_bytes
memory.kmem.limit_in_bytes      memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes         memory.use_hierarchy
memory.kmem.max_usage_in_bytes  memory.memsw.max_usage_in_bytes     notify_on_release
memory.kmem.slabinfo            memory.memsw.usage_in_bytes         tasks
memory.kmem.tcp.failcnt         memory.move_charge_at_immigrate
memory.kmem.tcp.limit_in_bytes  memory.numa_stat
2015-10-20 / 21:45:53         
rrs@learner:/var/tmp/Debian-Build/Result$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/rrs_customCG/cpu.shares 
2015-10-20 / 21:48:44         
rrs@learner:/var/tmp/Debian-Build/Result$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/rrs_customCG/digikam/cpu.shares 
2015-10-20 / 21:49:05         
rrs@learner:/var/tmp/Debian-Build/Result$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/rrs_customCG/memory.limit_in_bytes 
2015-10-20 / 22:20:14         
rrs@learner:/var/tmp/Debian-Build/Result$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/rrs_customCG/digikam/memory.limit_in_bytes 
2015-10-20 / 22:20:27         
rrs@learner:/var/tmp/Debian-Build/Result$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/rrs_customCG/blkio.weight
2015-10-20 / 21:51:43         
rrs@learner:/var/tmp/Debian-Build/Result$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/rrs_customCG/digikam/blkio.weight
2015-10-20 / 21:51:50         
The base group, $USER_customCG needs super admin privileges. Which once set appropriately, allows the user to further self-define sub-groups. And users can then also define separate limits per sub-group.
With the resource limitations set in place, my overall experience on very recent hardware (Intel Haswell Core i7, 8 GiB RAM, 500 GB SSHD, 128 GB SSD) has improved considerably. It still is not perfect, but it definitely is a huge improvement over what I had to go through ealire: A stalled machine for hours.
top - 21:54:38 up 1 day,  6:46,  1 user,  load average: 7.22, 7.51, 7.37
Tasks: 299 total,   1 running, 298 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu0  :  7.1 us,  3.0 sy,  1.0 ni, 11.1 id, 77.8 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
%Cpu1  :  6.0 us,  4.0 sy,  2.0 ni, 49.0 id, 39.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
%Cpu2  :  5.0 us,  2.0 sy,  0.0 ni, 24.8 id, 68.3 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
%Cpu3  :  5.9 us,  5.0 sy,  0.0 ni, 21.8 id, 67.3 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem : 7908.926 total,   96.449 free, 4634.922 used, 3177.555 buff/cache
MiB Swap: 8579.996 total, 3454.746 free, 5125.250 used. 2753.324 avail Mem 
PID to signal/kill [default pid = 8879] 
  PID  PPID nTH USER        PR  NI S %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                           UID 
 8879  8868  18 rrs         20   0 S  8.2 31.2  37:44.64 digikam                          1000 
10255  9960   4 rrs         39  19 S  1.0  0.8  19:47.73 tracker-miner-f                  1000 
10157  9960   7 rrs         20   0 S  0.5  3.0  32:29.76 gnome-shell                      1000 
    7     2   1 root        20   0 S  0.2        0:53.48 rcu_sched                           0 
  401     1   1 root        20   0 S  0.2  1.3   0:54.93 systemd-journal                     0 
10269  9937   4 rrs         20   0 S  0.2  0.4   2:34.50 gnome-terminal-                  1000 
15316     1  14 rrs         20   0 S  0.2  3.7  30:05.96 evolution                        1000 
23777     2   1 root        20   0 S  0.2        0:05.73 kworker/u16:0                       0 
23814     1   1 root        20   0 D  0.2  0.0   0:02.00 find                                0 
24049     2   1 root        20   0 S  0.2        0:01.29 kworker/u16:3                       0 
24052     2   1 root        20   0 S  0.2        0:02.94 kworker/u16:4                       0 
    1     0   1 root        20   0 S       0.1   0:18.24 systemd                             0 
The reporting tools may not be correct here. Because from what is being reported above, I should be having a machine stalled, and heavily paging, while the kernel scanning its list of processes to find the best process to kill. From this approach of jailing processes, the major side effect I can see is that the process (Digikam) is now starved of resources and will take much much much more time than what it would have been usually. But in the usual cases, it takes up all, and ends up starving (and getting killed) for consuming all available resources. So I guess it is better to be on a balanced resource diet. :-)




27 September 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Laptop Mode Tools 1.68.1

I am please to announce the release of Laptop Mode Tools 1.68.1. The last release (1.68) was mostly about systemd integration, and so is this release. There were a couple of bugs reported, and most of them fixed, with this release. All downstreams are requested to upgrade. For RPM packages for Fedora and OpenSUSE (Tumbleweed), please see the homepage.
1.68.1 - Sun Sep 27 14:00:13 IST 2015
    * Update details about runtime-pm in manpage
    * Revert "Drop out reload"
    * Log error more descriptively
    * Write to common stderr. Do not hardcode a specific one
    * Call lmt-udev in lmt-poll. Don't call the laptop_mode binary directly.
      Helps in a lot of housekeeping
    * Direct stderr/stdout to journal
    * Fix stdout descriptor
    * Install the new .timer and poll service
    * Use _sbindir for RPM




12 September 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Google Take Action - Encryption

So I got an email yesterday from Google's Jess Hemerly, talking about how they care about encryption To quote a small snippet of the email:
We use locks to keep our homes and our possessions safe offline. But how can we protect our digital things, like photos on a smartphone or email traveling across the web? The answer is encryption.
To change, it has to start from home. That means, add encryption support to Gmail. Add encryption to Google Photos. To every service you provide. So that, if tomorrow, your service is compromised, you don't public our data. What all the service providers need to realize, is that it is not the tool that needs encryption, but the data. You could claim that newer Androids are safer because encryption is enabled by default. But the data that you are backing up on your cloud, is not encrypted. It only makes sense to have an end-to-end encryption, or rather, encryption at source. Had you just stacked the interface to have write() transparently call encrypt() for any and all data, there'd be no worry about privacy. But wait, then how'd you munch.




27 August 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Laptop Mode Tools - 1.68

I am please to announce the release of Laptop Mode Tools, version 1.68. This release is mainly focused on integration with the newer init system, systemd. Without the help from the awesome Debian systemd maintainers, this would not have been possible. Thank you folks. While the focus now is on systemd, LMT will still support the older SysV Init. With this new release, there are some new files: laptop-mode.service, laptop-mode.timer and lmt-poll.service. All the files should be documented well enough for users. lmt-poll.service is the equivalent of the module battery-level-polling, should you need it. Filtered git log:
1.68 - Thu Aug 27 22:36:43 IST 2015
    * Fix all instances for BATTERY_LEVEL_POLLING
    * Group kill the polling daemon so that its child process get the same signal
    * Release the descriptor explicitly
    * Add identifier about who's our parent
    * Narrow down our power_supply subsystem event check condition
    * Fine tune the .service file
    * On my ultrabook, AC as reported as ACAD
    * Enhance lmt-udev to better work with systemd
    * Add a timer based polling for LMT. It is the equivalent of battery-polling-daemon,
      using systemd
    * Disable battery level polling by default, because most systems will have systemd running
    * Add documentation reference in systemd files
The md5 checksum for the tarball is 15edf643990e08deaebebf66b128b270




10 August 2015

Norbert Preining: Updating my dual-boot Linux laptop to Windows 10

Ok, I have to admit, I still have Windows on my laptop. I do about 90% of my work on the Linux (Debian) side, but there are some applications where I don t have an alternative: Word (yes, I know LibreOffice, but it is still not capable enough to handle Japanese forms without breaking the layout), and much more, QuoVadis, a GPS and digital map program where I do have my whole history of moutaineering and bundled knowledge as mountain guide. So for the time being, I cannot switch away from Windows. Not to mention some of the Steam games that only work on Windows, unfortunately. So the other day I went ahead and accepted the upgrade offer and let Windows do its part win10 The machine is a Sony Vaio I have reported already many times, see the posts of the tag Vaio. All in all, it was a very smooth upgrade, to my complete suprise:
  • Windows 10 allowed me to make a backup to an external drive, as I didn t have all those Gigabytes free it asked for
  • The first reboot brought me into a horribly small resolution, but an update check brought in newer Intel drivers and the resolution was back to normal.
  • Best of all, the Windows 10 update did NOT destroy my booting!! As I mentioned, booting is a bit a shaky thing, and I had my USB super boot stick ready, but without any need! What a positive surprise!
  • All the applications I normally use continued without any troubles, till now.
On the other hand, as it is well documented, Windows 10 is a beast when it comes to collecting all kinds of data. There are a lot of settings to be turned off just to make sure not all your details down to your shoe size and the x-ray of your grandparents are transmitted to Microsoft. I used the German Computer News page heise where I found this article. All in all for now I am happy with the current situation, I could boot back into my comfy Linux and know that if it is necessary, I can switch to Windows (10) for some dirty work.

23 July 2015

Daniel Pocock: Recording live events like a pro (part 1: audio)

Whether it is a technical talk at a conference, a political rally or a budget-conscious wedding, many people now have most of the technology they need to record it and post-process the recording themselves. For most events, audio is an essential part of the recording. There are exceptions: if you take many short clips from a wedding and mix them together you could leave out the audio and just dub the couple's favourite song over it all. For a video of a conference presentation, though, the the speaker's voice is essential. These days, it is relatively easy to get extremely high quality audio using a lapel microphone attached to a smartphone. Lets have a closer look at the details. Using a lavalier / lapel microphone Full wireless microphone kits with microphone, transmitter and receiver are usually $US500 or more. The lavalier / lapel microphone by itself, however, is relatively cheap, under $US100. The lapel microphone is usually an omnidirectional microphone that will pick up the voices of everybody within a couple of meters of the person wearing it. It is useful for a speaker at an event, some types of interviews where the participants are at a table together and it may be suitable for a wedding, although you may want to remember to remove it from clothing during the photos. There are two key features you need when using such a microphone with a smartphone:
  • TRRS connector (this is the type of socket most phones and many laptops have today)
  • Microphone impedance should be at least 1k (that is one kilo Ohm) or the phone may not recognize when it is connected
Many leading microphone vendors have released lapel mics with these two features aimed specifically at smartphone users. I have personally been testing the Rode smartLav+ Choice of phone There are almost 10,000 varieties of smartphone just running Android, as well as iPhones, Blackberries and others. It is not practical for most people to test them all and compare audio recording quality. It is probably best to test the phone you have and ask some friends if you can make test recordings with their phones too for comparison. You may not hear any difference but if one of the phones has a poor recording quality you will hopefully notice that and exclude it from further consideration. A particularly important issue is being able to disable AGC in the phone. Android has a standard API for disabling AGC but not all phones or Android variations respect this instruction. I have personally had positive experiences recording audio with a Samsung Galaxy Note III. Choice of recording app Most Android distributions have at least one pre-installed sound recording app. Look more closely and you will find not all apps are the same. For example, some of the apps have aggressive compression settings that compromise recording quality. Others don't work when you turn off the screen of your phone and put it in your pocket. I've even tried a few that were crashing intermittently. The app I found most successful so far has been Diktofon, which is available on both F-Droid and Google Play. Diktofon has been designed not just for recording, but it also has some specific features for transcribing audio (currently only supporting Estonian) and organizing and indexing the text. I haven't used those features myself but they don't appear to cause any inconvenience for people who simply want to use it as a stable recording app. As the app is completely free software, you can modify the source code if necessary. I recently contributed patches enabling 48kHz recording and disabling AGC. At the moment, the version with these fixes has just been released and appears in F-Droid but not yet uploaded to Google Play. The fixes are in version 0.9.83 and you need to go into the settings to make sure AGC is disabled and set the 48kHz sample rate. Whatever app you choose, the following settings are recommended:
  • 16 bit or greater sample size
  • 48kHz sample rate
  • Disable AGC
  • WAV file format
Whatever app you choose, test it thoroughly with your phone and microphone. Make sure it works even when you turn off the screen and put it in your pocket while wearing the lapel mic for an hour. Observe the battery usage. Gotchas Now lets say you are recording a wedding and the groom has that smartphone in his pocket and the mic on his collar somewhere. What is the probability that some telemarketer calls just as the couple are exchanging vows? What is the impact on the recording? Maybe some apps will automatically put the phone in silent mode when recording. More likely, you need to remember this yourself. These are things that are well worth testing though. Also keep in mind the need to have sufficient storage space and to check whether the app you use is writing to your SD card or internal memory. The battery is another consideration. In a large event where smartphones are being used instead of wireless microphones, possibly for many talks in parallel, install a monitoring app like Ganglia on the phones to detect and alert if any phone has weak wifi signal, low battery or a lack of memory. Live broadcasts and streaming Some time ago I tested RTP multicasting from Lumicall on Android. This type of app would enable a complete wireless microphone setup with live streaming to the internet at a fraction of the cost of a traditional wireless microphone kit. This type of live broadcast could also be done with WebRTC on the Firefox app. Conclusion If you research the topic thoroughly and spend some time practicing and testing your equipment, you can make great audio recordings with a smartphone and an inexpensive lapel microphone. In subsequent blogs, I'll look at tips for recording video and doing post-production with free software.

20 July 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Micro DD meetup

A couple of us DDs met here on the weekend. It is always a fun time, being part of these meetings. We talked briefly about the status of Cross Compilation in Debian, on the tools that simplify the process. Next we touched upon licensing, discussing the benefits of particular licenses (BSD, Apache, GPL) from the point of view of the consumer. The consumer being an individual just wanting to use/improve software, to a consumer who's building a (free / non-free) product on top of it. I think the overall conclusion was that there are 2 major licenses at a high level: Ones those allow you take the code and not give back, and the others which allow you to take code only if you are ready to share the enhancements back and forward. Next we briefly touched upon systemd. Given that I recently spent a good amount of time talking to the systemd maintainer while fixing bugs in my software, it was natural for me to steer that topic. At the end, more people are now enthused to learn the paradigm shift. The other topic where we spent time was on Containers. It is impressive to see how quick, and how many, products have now spun out of cgroups. The topic moved to cgroups, thanks to systemd, one of the prime consumers of cgroups. While demonstrating the functionalities of Linux Containers (LXC), I realized that systemd has a tool in place to serve the same use case. So, once back home, I spent some time figuring out the possibility to replace my lxc setup, with that of systemd-nspawn. Apart from a minor bug, almost everything else seems to work find with systemd-nspawn. So, following is the config detail of my container, as used in lxc. And to replace lxc, I need to fill is almost all of it with systemd-nspawn.
rrs@learner:~$ sudo cat /var/lib/lxc/deb-template/config
# Template used to create this container: /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-debian
# Parameters passed to the template:
# For additional config options, please look at lxc.container.conf(5)
lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus = 0,1
lxc.cgroup.cpu.shares = 1234
# Mem
lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes = 2000M
lxc.cgroup.memory.soft_limit_in_bytes = 1500M
# Network = veth = 00:16:3e:0c:c5:d4 = up = lxcbr0
# Root file system
lxc.rootfs = /var/lib/lxc/deb-template/rootfs
# Common configuration
lxc.include = /usr/share/lxc/config/debian.common.conf
# Container specific configuration
lxc.mount = /var/lib/lxc/deb-template/fstab
lxc.utsname = deb-template
lxc.arch = amd64
# For apt
lxc.mount.entry = /var/cache/apt/archives var/cache/apt/archives none defaults,bind 0 0
lxc.mount.entry = /var/tmp/lxc var/tmp/lxc none defaults,bind 0 0
2015-07-20 / 16:28:58         
The equivalent of the above, in systemd-nspawn is:
sudo systemd-nspawn -n -b --machine deb-template --network-bridge=lxcbr0 --bind /var/cache/apt/archives/
The only missing bit is CPU and Memory, which I'm yet to try, is documented as doable with the systemctl --property= interface
           Set a unit property on the scope unit to register for the machine. This only
           applies if the machine is run in its own scope unit, i.e. if --keep-unit is not
           used. Takes unit property assignments in the same format as systemctl
           set-property. This is useful to set memory limits and similar for machines.
With all this in place, using containers under systemd is a breeze.
rrs@learner:~/Community/Packaging/multipath-tools (experimental)$ sudo machinectl list
deb-template container nspawn
1 machines listed.
2015-07-20 / 16:44:07         
rrs@learner:~/Community/Packaging/multipath-tools (experimental)$ sudo machinectl status deb-template
           Since: Mon 2015-07-20 16:13:58 IST; 30min ago
          Leader: 9064 (systemd)
         Service: nspawn; class container
            Root: /var/lib/lxc/deb-template/rootfs
           Iface: lxcbr0
              OS: Debian GNU/Linux stretch/sid
            Unit: machine-deb\x2dtemplate.scope
                   9064 /lib/systemd/systemd --system --deserialize 14
                       9092 /lib/systemd/systemd-journald
                       9160 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
                       9166 /bin/login --     
                       9171 -bash
                       9226 dhclient host0
Jul 20 16:13:58 learner systemd[1]: Started Container deb-template.
Jul 20 16:13:58 learner systemd[1]: Starting Container deb-template.
2015-07-20 / 16:44:15         




15 July 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: VirtualBox 5.x

We just pushed VirtualBox 5.0.0 into Debian Experimental. It should land up on your mirrors very soon. Since this is a major release, we are looking for some testing and feedback. If you use VBox, or have your business depend on it, please give it a test. For details about what is new in 5.x, please check out the release announcement




6 July 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Apport Integration with Debian - GSoC Update

For this year's Google Summer of Code, I have been mentoring Yuru Roy Shao, on Integrating Apport with Debian. Yuru is a CS student studying at University of Michigan, USA completing his PhD. For around 2+ years, Apport was packaged for Debian, but remained in Experimental. While we did have a separate (Debian BTS aware) crashdb, the general concerns (bug spam, too many duplicates etc) were the reason we held its inclusion. With this GSoC, Yuru has been bringing some of the missing integration pieces of Debian. For example, we are now using debianbts to to talk to the Debian BTS Server, and fetch bug reports for the user. While apport's Bug Report data collection itself is very comprehensive, still for Debian, it will have the option to use native as well as reportbug. This will allow us to use the many hooks people have integrated so far with reportbug. Both Bug Report data collectors will be available. Yuru has blogged about his GSoC progress so far, here. Please do have a read, and let us know your views. If the travel formalities work out well, I intend to attend Debconf this year, and can talk in more detail.




2 July 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Laptop Mode Tools 1.67

I am pleased to announce the release of Laptop Mode Tools, version 1.67. This release has many important bug fixes, and everyone is recommended to upgrade. Of the many, one important fix is to, more reliably check for Device Mapper based devices, which is common these days with Crypt and LVM. For the summary of changes to quote from git log:
1.67 - Thu Jul  2 17:05:07 IST 2015
    * Relax minimum window size to accomodate low res screens
    * Fix variable name to comply with our "constants" assuptions
    * Get more aggressive in power saving for Intel HD Audio
    * Account Device Mapper devices
    * Add swsusp freeze support
    * Switch battery-level-polling default to True
    * Detect ethernet carrier, early and relibaly
    * changes the boolean setting *_ACTIVATE_SATA_POWER to a customizable
      *_SATA_POLICY, with backward-compatible defaults and documentation
      Thanks Yuir D'Elia
PS: On a side note, over the years, Linux's power savings functionality has improved a lot, all thanks to its use in the mobile worlds. At the same time, because of more companies shipping drivers depending on external firmware, stability has become less reliable. And to add to that, bare functionality of devices typically ask for disabling, you know what, LPM. So, at the end, the result is the same.




19 May 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Lenovo Yoga 2 13 with Debian

I recently acquired a Lenovo Yoga 2 13. While, at the time, the Yoga 3 was available, I decided to go for Yoga 2 13. The Yoga 3 comes with the newer Core M Broadwell family, which, in my opinion, doesn't really bring any astounding benefits. The Yoga 2 13 comes in mulitple variants worldwide. Infact these hardware variations have different effets when run under Linux. My varaint of Yoga 2 13 is:
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz
RAM: 8 GiB - Occupying 2 slots
Memory Controller Information
        Supported Interleave: One-way Interleave
        Current Interleave: One-way Interleave
        Maximum Memory Module Size: 8192 MB
        Maximum Total Memory Size: 16384 MB
Handle 0x0006, DMI type 6, 12 bytes
Handle 0x0007, DMI type 6, 12 bytes
The usual PCI devices:
rrs@learner:~$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT DRAM Controller (rev 0b)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0b)
00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT HD Audio Controller (rev 0b)
00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series USB xHCI HC (rev 04)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series HECI #0 (rev 04)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 8 Series HD Audio Controller (rev 04)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 8 Series PCI Express Root Port 4 (rev e4)
00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series USB EHCI #1 (rev 04)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 8 Series LPC Controller (rev 04)
00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series SATA Controller 1 [AHCI mode] (rev 04)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 8 Series SMBus Controller (rev 04)
01:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter
And the storage devices
Device Model:     WDC WD5000M22K-24Z1LT0-SSHD-16GB
Device Model:     KINGSTON SM2280S3120G

The drive runs into serious performance problems when its SSHD's NCQ (mis)feature is under use in Linux <= 4.0.

[28974.232550] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
[28974.232565] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: port does not support device sleep
[28983.680955] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x7fffffff SErr 0x400100 action 0x6 frozen
[28983.681000] ata1.00: irq_stat 0x08000000, interface fatal error
[28983.681027] ata1: SError:   UnrecovData Handshk  
[28983.681052] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.681082] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:00:b8:84:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 0 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.681152] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.681171] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.681202] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:08:f8:89:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 1 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.681271] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.681289] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.681316] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:10:38:8f:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 2 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.681387] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.681407] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.681435] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:18:78:94:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 3 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697642] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697643] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.697646] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:c8:38:65:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 25 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697647] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697648] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.697651] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:d0:78:6a:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 26 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697651] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697652] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.697656] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:d8:b8:6f:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 27 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697657] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697658] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.697661] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:e0:f8:74:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 28 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697662] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697663] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.697666] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:e8:38:7a:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 29 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697667] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697668] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.697672] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:f0:78:7f:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 30 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697672] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697676] ata1: hard resetting link
[28984.017356] ata1: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
[28984.022612] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
[28984.022740] ata1: EH complete
[28991.611732] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
[28992.183822] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Synchronizing SCSI cache
[28992.186569] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Stopping disk
[28992.186604] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Synchronizing SCSI cache
[28992.189594] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Stopping disk
[28992.967426] PM: suspend of devices complete after 1351.349 msecs
[28992.999461] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 31.990 msecs
[28993.000058] ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.0: System wakeup enabled by ACPI
[28993.000306] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: System wakeup enabled by ACPI
[28993.016463] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 16.978 msecs
[28993.017024] ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S3
[28993.017349] PM: Saving platform NVS memory
[28993.017357] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
[28993.017389] intel_pstate CPU 1 exiting
[28993.018727] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU1
[28993.019320] smpboot: CPU 1 is now offline
[28993.019646] intel_pstate CPU 2 exiting

In the interim, to overcome this problem, we can force the device to run in degraded mode. I'm not sure if it is really the degraded mode, or the device was falsely advertised as a 6 GiB capable device. Time will tell, but for now, force it to run in 3 GiB mode, and so far, I haven't run into the above mentioned probems. To force 3 GiB speed, apply the following.

rrs@learner:~$ cat /proc/cmdline
BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.0.4+ root=/dev/mapper/sdb_crypt ro cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1 rootflags=data=writeback libata.force=1:3 quiet

And then verify it... As you can see below, I've forced it for ata1 because I want my SSD drive to run at full-speed. I've done enough I/O, which earlier resulted in the kernel spitting the SATA errors. With this workaround, the kernel does not spit any error messages.

[    1.273365] libata version 3.00 loaded.
[    1.287290] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0300 32 slots 4 ports 6 Gbps 0x3 impl SATA mode
[    1.288238] ata1: FORCE: PHY spd limit set to 3.0Gbps
[    1.288240] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xb051b000 port 0xb051b100 irq 41
[    1.288242] ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xb051b000 port 0xb051b180 irq 41
[    1.288244] ata3: DUMMY
[    1.288245] ata4: DUMMY
[    1.606971] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 320)
[    1.607906] ata1.00: ATA-9: WDC WD5000M22K-24Z1LT0-SSHD-16GB, 02.01A03, max UDMA/133
[    1.607910] ata1.00: 976773168 sectors, multi 0: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32), AA
[    1.608856] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
[    1.609106] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     ATA      WDC WD5000M22K-2 1A03 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[    1.927167] ata2: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
[    1.928980] ata2.00: ATA-8: KINGSTON SM2280S3120G, S8FM06.A, max UDMA/133
[    1.928983] ata2.00: 234441648 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32), AA
[    1.929616] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133

And the throughput you get out of your WD SATA SSHD drive, with capability set to 3.0 GiB is:

rrs@learner:/media/SSHD/tmp$ while true; do dd if=/dev/zero of=foo.img bs=1M count=20000; sync; rm -rf foo.img; sync; done
20000+0 records in
20000+0 records out
20971520000 bytes (21 GB) copied, 202.014 s, 104 MB/s
20000+0 records in
20000+0 records out
20971520000 bytes (21 GB) copied, 206.111 s, 102 MB/s

Hannes Reinecke has submitted patches for NCQ enhancements, for Linux 4.1, which I hope will resolve these problems. Another option is to disable NCQ for the drive, or else blacklist the make/model in driver/ata/libata-core.c

By the time I finished this blog entry draft, I had tests to conclude that this did not look like an NCQ problem. Because in degraded mode too, it runs with NCQ enabled (check above).

rrs@learner:~$ sudo fstrim -vv /media/SSHD
/media/SSHD: 268.2 GiB (287930949632 bytes) trimmed
rrs@learner:~$ sudo fstrim -vv /
[sudo] password for rrs:
/: 64 GiB (68650749952 bytes) trimmed

Another interesting feature of this drive is support for TRIM / DISCARD. This drive's FTL accepts the TRIM command. Ofcourse, you need to ensure that you have discard enabled in all the layers. In my case, SATA + Device Mapper (Crypt and LVM) + File System (ext4) Display

The overall display of this device is amazing. It is large enough to give you vibrant look. At 1920x1080 resolution, things look good. The display support was available out-of-the-box.

There were some suspend / resume hangs that occured with kernels < 4.x, during suspend / resume. The issue was root caused and fixed for Linux 4.0.

You may still notice the following kernel messages, though not problematic to me so far.

[28977.518114] PM: thaw of devices complete after 3607.979 msecs
[28977.590389] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[28977.590582] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[28977.591095] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[28977.591185] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[28977.591368] acpi device:30: Cannot transition to power state D3cold for parent in (unknown)
[28977.591911] pci_bus 0000:01: Allocating resources
[28977.591933] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[28977.592093] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[28977.592401] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment

You may need to disable the Intel Management Engine Interface (mei.ko), incase you run into suspend/resume problems.

rrs@learner:/media/SSHD/tmp$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/intel-mei-blacklist.conf
blacklist mei
blacklist mei-me

You may also run into the following Kernel Oops during suspend/resume. Below, you see 2 interation of sleep because it first hibernates and then sleeps (s2both).

[  180.470206] Syncing filesystems ... done.
[  180.473337] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
[  180.475210] PM: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff]
[  180.475213] PM: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x0006f000-0x0006ffff]
[  180.475215] PM: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x00088000-0x000fffff]
[  180.475220] PM: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x97360000-0x97b5ffff]
[  180.475274] PM: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x9c36f000-0x9cffefff]
[  180.475356] PM: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x9d000000-0xffffffff]
[  180.476877] PM: Basic memory bitmaps created
[  180.477003] PM: Preallocating image memory... done (allocated 380227 pages)
[  180.851800] PM: Allocated 1520908 kbytes in 0.37 seconds (4110.56 MB/s)
[  180.851802] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
[  180.853355] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
[  180.853520] wlan0: deauthenticating from c4:6e:1f:d0:67:26 by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING)
[  180.864159] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
[  181.172222] PM: freeze of devices complete after 319.294 msecs
[  181.196080] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[  181.196124] WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 3707 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_display.c:7904 hsw_enable_pc8+0x659/0x7c0 [i915]()
[  181.196125] SPLL enabled
[  181.196159] Modules linked in: rfcomm ctr ccm bnep pci_stub vboxpci(O) vboxnetadp(O) vboxnetflt(O) vboxdrv(O) bridge stp llc xt_conntrack iptable_filter ipt_MASQUERADE nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4 iptable_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_nat_ipv4 nf_nat nf_conntrack xt_CHECKSUM xt_tcpudp iptable_mangle ip_tables x_tables nls_utf8 nls_cp437 vfat fat rtsx_usb_ms memstick snd_hda_codec_hdmi joydev mousedev hid_sensor_rotation hid_sensor_incl_3d hid_sensor_als hid_sensor_accel_3d hid_sensor_magn_3d hid_sensor_gyro_3d hid_sensor_trigger industrialio_triggered_buffer kfifo_buf industrialio hid_sensor_iio_common iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support hid_multitouch x86_pkg_temp_thermal intel_powerclamp coretemp intel_rapl iosf_mbi kvm_intel kvm btusb hid_sensor_hub bluetooth uvcvideo videobuf2_vmalloc videobuf2_memops
[  181.196203]  videobuf2_core v4l2_common videodev media pcspkr evdev mac_hid arc4 psmouse serio_raw efivars i2c_i801 rtl8723be btcoexist rtl8723_common rtl_pci rtlwifi mac80211 snd_soc_rt5640 cfg80211 snd_soc_rl6231 snd_hda_codec_realtek i915 snd_soc_core snd_hda_codec_generic ideapad_laptop ac snd_compress dw_dmac sparse_keymap drm_kms_helper rfkill battery dw_dmac_core snd_hda_intel snd_pcm_dmaengine snd_soc_sst_acpi snd_hda_controller video 8250_dw regmap_i2c snd_hda_codec drm snd_hwdep snd_pcm spi_pxa2xx_platform i2c_designware_platform soc_button_array snd_timer i2c_designware_core snd i2c_algo_bit soundcore shpchp lpc_ich button processor fuse ipv6 autofs4 ext4 crc16 jbd2 mbcache btrfs xor raid6_pq algif_skcipher af_alg dm_crypt dm_mod sg usbhid sd_mod rtsx_usb_sdmmc rtsx_usb crct10dif_pclmul
[  181.196220]  crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel ghash_clmulni_intel aesni_intel aes_x86_64 lrw gf128mul glue_helper ablk_helper cryptd ahci libahci libata xhci_pci ehci_pci xhci_hcd ehci_hcd scsi_mod usbcore usb_common thermal fan thermal_sys hwmon i2c_hid hid i2c_core sdhci_acpi sdhci mmc_core gpio_lynxpoint
[  181.196224] CPU: 3 PID: 3707 Comm: kworker/u16:7 Tainted: G           O    4.0.4+ #14
[  181.196225] Hardware name: LENOVO 20344/INVALID, BIOS 96CN29WW(V1.15) 10/16/2014
[  181.196230] Workqueue: events_unbound async_run_entry_fn
[  181.196233]  0000000000000000 ffffffffa0706f68 ffffffff81522198 ffff880064debc88
[  181.196235]  ffffffff8106c5b1 ffff880251460000 ffff880250f83b68 ffff880250f83b78
[  181.196237]  ffff880250f83800 0000000000000001 ffffffff8106c62a ffffffffa071407c
[  181.196238] Call Trace:
[  181.196248]  [<ffffffff81522198>] ? dump_stack+0x40/0x50
[  181.196251]  [<ffffffff8106c5b1>] ? warn_slowpath_common+0x81/0xb0
[  181.196254]  [<ffffffff8106c62a>] ? warn_slowpath_fmt+0x4a/0x50
[  181.196278]  [<ffffffffa06ae349>] ? hsw_enable_pc8+0x659/0x7c0 [i915]
[  181.196289]  [<ffffffffa0643ee0>] ? intel_suspend_complete+0xe0/0x6e0 [i915]
[  181.196300]  [<ffffffffa0644501>] ? i915_drm_suspend_late+0x21/0x90 [i915]
[  181.196311]  [<ffffffffa0644690>] ? i915_pm_poweroff_late+0x40/0x40 [i915]
[  181.196318]  [<ffffffff813fa7ba>] ? dpm_run_callback+0x4a/0x100
[  181.196321]  [<ffffffff813fb010>] ? __device_suspend_late+0xa0/0x180
[  181.196324]  [<ffffffff813fb10e>] ? async_suspend_late+0x1e/0xa0
[  181.196326]  [<ffffffff8108b973>] ? async_run_entry_fn+0x43/0x160
[  181.196330]  [<ffffffff81083a5d>] ? process_one_work+0x14d/0x3f0
[  181.196332]  [<ffffffff81084463>] ? worker_thread+0x53/0x480
[  181.196334]  [<ffffffff81084410>] ? rescuer_thread+0x300/0x300
[  181.196338]  [<ffffffff81089191>] ? kthread+0xc1/0xe0
[  181.196341]  [<ffffffff810890d0>] ? kthread_create_on_node+0x180/0x180
[  181.196346]  [<ffffffff81527898>] ? ret_from_fork+0x58/0x90
[  181.196349]  [<ffffffff810890d0>] ? kthread_create_on_node+0x180/0x180
[  181.196350] ---[ end trace 8e339004db298838 ]---
[  181.220094] PM: late freeze of devices complete after 47.936 msecs
[  181.220972] PM: noirq freeze of devices complete after 0.875 msecs
[  181.221577] ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S4
[  181.221886] PM: Saving platform NVS memory
[  181.222702] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
[  181.222731] intel_pstate CPU 1 exiting
[  181.224041] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU1
[  181.224680] smpboot: CPU 1 is now offline
[  181.225121] intel_pstate CPU 2 exiting
[  181.226407] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU2
[  181.227025] smpboot: CPU 2 is now offline
[  181.227441] intel_pstate CPU 3 exiting
[  181.227728] Broke affinity for irq 19
[  181.227747] Broke affinity for irq 41
[  181.228771] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU3
[  181.228793] smpboot: CPU 3 is now offline
[  181.229624] PM: Creating hibernation image:
[  181.563651] PM: Need to copy 379053 pages
[  181.563655] PM: Normal pages needed: 379053 + 1024, available pages: 1697704
[  182.472910] PM: Hibernation image created (379053 pages copied)
[  181.232347] PM: Restoring platform NVS memory
[  181.233171] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
[  181.233246] x86: Booting SMP configuration:
[  181.233248] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 1 APIC 0x1
[  181.246771] kvm: enabling virtualization on CPU1
[  181.249339] CPU1 is up
[  181.249389] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 2 APIC 0x2
[  181.262313] kvm: enabling virtualization on CPU2
[  181.264853] CPU2 is up
[  181.264903] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 3 APIC 0x3
[  181.277831] kvm: enabling virtualization on CPU3
[  181.280317] CPU3 is up
[  181.288471] ACPI: Waking up from system sleep state S4
[  182.340655] PM: noirq thaw of devices complete after 0.637 msecs
[  182.378087] PM: early thaw of devices complete after 37.428 msecs
[  182.378436] rtlwifi: rtlwifi: wireless switch is on
[  182.451021] rtc_cmos 00:01: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
[  182.697575] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 320)
[  182.697617] ata2: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
[  182.699248] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
[  182.699911] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
[  182.699917] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: port does not support device sleep
[  186.059539] PM: thaw of devices complete after 3685.338 msecs
[  186.134292] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  186.134479] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  186.134992] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  186.135080] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  186.135266] acpi device:30: Cannot transition to power state D3cold for parent in (unknown)
[  186.135950] pci_bus 0000:01: Allocating resources
[  186.135974] pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: bridge window [mem 0x00100000-0x000fffff 64bit pref] to [bus 01] add_size 200000
[  186.135980] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  186.136049] pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: res[15]=[mem 0x00100000-0x000fffff 64bit pref] get_res_add_size add_size 200000
[  186.136072] pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: BAR 15: assigned [mem 0x9fb00000-0x9fcfffff 64bit pref]
[  186.136174] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  186.136490] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  199.454497] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
[  200.024190] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Synchronizing SCSI cache
[  200.024356] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Synchronizing SCSI cache
[  200.025359] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Stopping disk
[  200.028701] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Stopping disk
[  201.106085] PM: suspend of devices complete after 1651.336 msecs
[  201.106591] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[  201.106628] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 3725 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_display.c:7904 hsw_enable_pc8+0x659/0x7c0 [i915]()
[  201.106628] SPLL enabled
[  201.106656] Modules linked in: rfcomm ctr ccm bnep pci_stub vboxpci(O) vboxnetadp(O) vboxnetflt(O) vboxdrv(O) bridge stp llc xt_conntrack iptable_filter ipt_MASQUERADE nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4 iptable_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_nat_ipv4 nf_nat nf_conntrack xt_CHECKSUM xt_tcpudp iptable_mangle ip_tables x_tables nls_utf8 nls_cp437 vfat fat rtsx_usb_ms memstick snd_hda_codec_hdmi joydev mousedev hid_sensor_rotation hid_sensor_incl_3d hid_sensor_als hid_sensor_accel_3d hid_sensor_magn_3d hid_sensor_gyro_3d hid_sensor_trigger industrialio_triggered_buffer kfifo_buf industrialio hid_sensor_iio_common iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support hid_multitouch x86_pkg_temp_thermal intel_powerclamp coretemp intel_rapl iosf_mbi kvm_intel kvm btusb hid_sensor_hub bluetooth uvcvideo videobuf2_vmalloc videobuf2_memops
[  201.106694]  videobuf2_core v4l2_common videodev media pcspkr evdev mac_hid arc4 psmouse serio_raw efivars i2c_i801 rtl8723be btcoexist rtl8723_common rtl_pci rtlwifi mac80211 snd_soc_rt5640 cfg80211 snd_soc_rl6231 snd_hda_codec_realtek i915 snd_soc_core snd_hda_codec_generic ideapad_laptop ac snd_compress dw_dmac sparse_keymap drm_kms_helper rfkill battery dw_dmac_core snd_hda_intel snd_pcm_dmaengine snd_soc_sst_acpi snd_hda_controller video 8250_dw regmap_i2c snd_hda_codec drm snd_hwdep snd_pcm spi_pxa2xx_platform i2c_designware_platform soc_button_array snd_timer i2c_designware_core snd i2c_algo_bit soundcore shpchp lpc_ich button processor fuse ipv6 autofs4 ext4 crc16 jbd2 mbcache btrfs xor raid6_pq algif_skcipher af_alg dm_crypt dm_mod sg usbhid sd_mod rtsx_usb_sdmmc rtsx_usb crct10dif_pclmul
[  201.106711]  crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel ghash_clmulni_intel aesni_intel aes_x86_64 lrw gf128mul glue_helper ablk_helper cryptd ahci libahci libata xhci_pci ehci_pci xhci_hcd ehci_hcd scsi_mod usbcore usb_common thermal fan thermal_sys hwmon i2c_hid hid i2c_core sdhci_acpi sdhci mmc_core gpio_lynxpoint
[  201.106714] CPU: 0 PID: 3725 Comm: kworker/u16:25 Tainted: G        W  O    4.0.4+ #14
[  201.106715] Hardware name: LENOVO 20344/INVALID, BIOS 96CN29WW(V1.15) 10/16/2014
[  201.106720] Workqueue: events_unbound async_run_entry_fn
[  201.106723]  0000000000000000 ffffffffa0706f68 ffffffff81522198 ffff880064dd7c88
[  201.106725]  ffffffff8106c5b1 ffff880251460000 ffff880250f83b68 ffff880250f83b78
[  201.106727]  ffff880250f83800 0000000000000002 ffffffff8106c62a ffffffffa071407c
[  201.106728] Call Trace:
[  201.106737]  [<ffffffff81522198>] ? dump_stack+0x40/0x50
[  201.106740]  [<ffffffff8106c5b1>] ? warn_slowpath_common+0x81/0xb0
[  201.106742]  [<ffffffff8106c62a>] ? warn_slowpath_fmt+0x4a/0x50
[  201.106765]  [<ffffffffa06ae349>] ? hsw_enable_pc8+0x659/0x7c0 [i915]
[  201.106776]  [<ffffffffa0643ee0>] ? intel_suspend_complete+0xe0/0x6e0 [i915]
[  201.106786]  [<ffffffffa0644501>] ? i915_drm_suspend_late+0x21/0x90 [i915]
[  201.106797]  [<ffffffffa0644690>] ? i915_pm_poweroff_late+0x40/0x40 [i915]
[  201.106802]  [<ffffffff813fa7ba>] ? dpm_run_callback+0x4a/0x100
[  201.106805]  [<ffffffff813fb010>] ? __device_suspend_late+0xa0/0x180
[  201.106809]  [<ffffffff813fb10e>] ? async_suspend_late+0x1e/0xa0
[  201.106811]  [<ffffffff8108b973>] ? async_run_entry_fn+0x43/0x160
[  201.106813]  [<ffffffff81083a5d>] ? process_one_work+0x14d/0x3f0
[  201.106815]  [<ffffffff81084463>] ? worker_thread+0x53/0x480
[  201.106818]  [<ffffffff81084410>] ? rescuer_thread+0x300/0x300
[  201.106821]  [<ffffffff81089191>] ? kthread+0xc1/0xe0
[  201.106824]  [<ffffffff810890d0>] ? kthread_create_on_node+0x180/0x180
[  201.106827]  [<ffffffff81527898>] ? ret_from_fork+0x58/0x90
[  201.106830]  [<ffffffff810890d0>] ? kthread_create_on_node+0x180/0x180
[  201.106832] ---[ end trace 8e339004db298839 ]---
[  201.130052] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 23.960 msecs
[  201.130725] ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.0: System wakeup enabled by ACPI
[  201.130885] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: System wakeup enabled by ACPI
[  201.146986] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 16.930 msecs
[  201.147591] ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S3
[  201.147942] PM: Saving platform NVS memory
[  201.147948] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
[  201.147999] intel_pstate CPU 1 exiting
[  201.149324] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU1
[  201.149337] smpboot: CPU 1 is now offline
[  201.149640] intel_pstate CPU 2 exiting
[  201.151096] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU2
[  201.151108] smpboot: CPU 2 is now offline
[  201.152017] intel_pstate CPU 3 exiting
[  201.153250] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU3
[  201.153256] smpboot: CPU 3 is now offline
[  201.156229] ACPI: Low-level resume complete
[  201.156307] PM: Restoring platform NVS memory
[  201.160033] CPU0 microcode updated early to revision 0x1c, date = 2014-07-03
[  201.160190] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
[  201.160241] x86: Booting SMP configuration:
[  201.160243] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 1 APIC 0x1
[  201.172665] kvm: enabling virtualization on CPU1
[  201.174982] CPU1 is up
[  201.175013] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 2 APIC 0x2
[  201.187569] CPU2 microcode updated early to revision 0x1c, date = 2014-07-03
[  201.188796] kvm: enabling virtualization on CPU2
[  201.191130] CPU2 is up
[  201.191158] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 3 APIC 0x3
[  201.203297] kvm: enabling virtualization on CPU3
[  201.205679] CPU3 is up
[  201.210414] ACPI: Waking up from system sleep state S3
[  201.224617] ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
[  201.332523] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
[  201.332634] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 121.623 msecs
[  201.372718] PM: early resume of devices complete after 40.058 msecs
[  201.372892] rtlwifi: rtlwifi: wireless switch is on
[  201.373270] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Starting disk
[  201.373271] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Starting disk
[  201.445954] rtc_cmos 00:01: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
[  201.692510] ata2: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
[  201.694719] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
[  201.694724] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: port does not support device sleep
[  201.836724] usb 2-4: reset high-speed USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd
[  201.890158] psmouse serio1: synaptics: queried max coordinates: x [..5702], y [..4730]
[  201.930768] psmouse serio1: synaptics: queried min coordinates: x [1242..], y [1124..]
[  202.076784] usb 2-5: reset full-speed USB device number 3 using xhci_hcd
[  202.205100] usb 2-5: ep 0x2 - rounding interval to 64 microframes, ep desc says 80 microframes
[  202.316799] usb 2-7: reset full-speed USB device number 5 using xhci_hcd
[  202.444945] usb 2-7: No LPM exit latency info found, disabling LPM.
[  202.556817] usb 2-8: reset full-speed USB device number 6 using xhci_hcd
[  202.908691] usb 2-6: reset high-speed USB device number 4 using xhci_hcd
[  203.932602] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 320)
[  204.044890] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
[  206.228698] PM: resume of devices complete after 4855.892 msecs
[  206.380738] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.383152] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.385775] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.388066] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.390415] acpi device:30: Cannot transition to power state D3cold for parent in (unknown)
[  206.393078] pci_bus 0000:01: Allocating resources
[  206.393098] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.395470] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.397927] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.518516] Restarting kernel threads ... done.
[  206.518812] PM: Basic memory bitmaps freed
[  206.518816] Restarting tasks ... done.

There is one more occasional Kernel Oops (below), which I believe again has to do with Intel.

[ 8770.745396] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[ 8770.745441] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 7206 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_display.c:9756 intel_check_page_flip+0xd2/0xe0 [i915]()
[ 8770.745444] Kicking stuck page flip: queued at 466186, now 466191
[ 8770.745445] Modules linked in: cpuid rfcomm ctr ccm bnep pci_stub vboxpci(O) vboxnetadp(O) vboxnetflt(O) vboxdrv(O) bridge stp llc xt_conntrack iptable_filter ipt_MASQUERADE nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4 iptable_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_nat_ipv4 nf_nat nf_conntrack xt_CHECKSUM xt_tcpudp iptable_mangle ip_tables x_tables nls_utf8 nls_cp437 vfat fat rtsx_usb_ms memstick snd_hda_codec_hdmi joydev mousedev hid_sensor_rotation hid_sensor_incl_3d hid_sensor_als hid_sensor_accel_3d hid_sensor_magn_3d hid_sensor_gyro_3d hid_sensor_trigger industrialio_triggered_buffer kfifo_buf industrialio hid_sensor_iio_common iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support hid_multitouch x86_pkg_temp_thermal intel_powerclamp coretemp intel_rapl iosf_mbi kvm_intel kvm btusb hid_sensor_hub bluetooth uvcvideo videobuf2_vmalloc videobuf2_memops
[ 8770.745484]  videobuf2_core v4l2_common videodev media pcspkr evdev mac_hid arc4 psmouse serio_raw efivars i2c_i801 rtl8723be btcoexist rtl8723_common rtl_pci rtlwifi mac80211 snd_soc_rt5640 cfg80211 snd_soc_rl6231 snd_hda_codec_realtek i915 snd_soc_core snd_hda_codec_generic ideapad_laptop ac snd_compress dw_dmac sparse_keymap drm_kms_helper rfkill battery dw_dmac_core snd_hda_intel snd_pcm_dmaengine snd_soc_sst_acpi snd_hda_controller video 8250_dw regmap_i2c snd_hda_codec drm snd_hwdep snd_pcm spi_pxa2xx_platform i2c_designware_platform soc_button_array snd_timer i2c_designware_core snd i2c_algo_bit soundcore shpchp lpc_ich button processor fuse ipv6 autofs4 ext4 crc16 jbd2 mbcache btrfs xor raid6_pq algif_skcipher af_alg dm_crypt dm_mod sg usbhid sd_mod rtsx_usb_sdmmc rtsx_usb crct10dif_pclmul
[ 8770.745536]  crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel ghash_clmulni_intel aesni_intel aes_x86_64 lrw gf128mul glue_helper ablk_helper cryptd ahci libahci libata xhci_pci ehci_pci xhci_hcd ehci_hcd scsi_mod usbcore usb_common thermal fan thermal_sys hwmon i2c_hid hid i2c_core sdhci_acpi sdhci mmc_core gpio_lynxpoint
[ 8770.745561] CPU: 0 PID: 7206 Comm: icedove Tainted: G        W  O    4.0.4+ #14
[ 8770.745563] Hardware name: LENOVO 20344/INVALID, BIOS 96CN29WW(V1.15) 10/16/2014
[ 8770.745565]  0000000000000000 ffffffffa0706f68 ffffffff81522198 ffff88025f203dc8
[ 8770.745569]  ffffffff8106c5b1 ffff880250f83800 ffff880254dcc000 0000000000000000
[ 8770.745572]  0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ffffffff8106c62a ffffffffa0709d50
[ 8770.745575] Call Trace:
[ 8770.745577]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff81522198>] ? dump_stack+0x40/0x50
[ 8770.745592]  [<ffffffff8106c5b1>] ? warn_slowpath_common+0x81/0xb0
[ 8770.745595]  [<ffffffff8106c62a>] ? warn_slowpath_fmt+0x4a/0x50
[ 8770.745616]  [<ffffffffa06a0bb3>] ? __intel_pageflip_stall_check+0x113/0x120 [i915]
[ 8770.745634]  [<ffffffffa06af042>] ? intel_check_page_flip+0xd2/0xe0 [i915]
[ 8770.745652]  [<ffffffffa067cde1>] ? ironlake_irq_handler+0x2e1/0x1010 [i915]
[ 8770.745657]  [<ffffffff81092d1a>] ? check_preempt_curr+0x5a/0xa0
[ 8770.745663]  [<ffffffff812d66c2>] ? timerqueue_del+0x22/0x70
[ 8770.745668]  [<ffffffff810bb7d5>] ? handle_irq_event_percpu+0x75/0x190
[ 8770.745672]  [<ffffffff8101b945>] ? read_tsc+0x5/0x10
[ 8770.745676]  [<ffffffff810bb928>] ? handle_irq_event+0x38/0x50
[ 8770.745680]  [<ffffffff810be841>] ? handle_edge_irq+0x71/0x120
[ 8770.745685]  [<ffffffff810153bd>] ? handle_irq+0x1d/0x30
[ 8770.745689]  [<ffffffff8152a866>] ? do_IRQ+0x46/0xe0
[ 8770.745694]  [<ffffffff8152866d>] ? common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
[ 8770.745695]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff8152794d>] ? system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b
[ 8770.745701] ---[ end trace 8e339004db29883a ]---

In my case, the laptop came with the Realtek Wireless device (details above in lspci output). Note: The machine has no wired interface.

While the Intel Wifi devices shipped with this laptop have their own share of problems, this device (rtl8723be) works out of the box. But only for a while. There is no certain pattern on what triggers the bug, but once triggered, the network just freezes. Nothing is logged.

If your Yoga 2 13 came with the RTL chip, the following workaround may help avoid the network issues.

rrs@learner:/media/SSHD/tmp$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf
options rtl8723be fwlps=0

Almost every boot, eventually, the kernel reports MCE errors. Not something I understand well, but so far, it hasn't caused any visible issues. And from what I have googled so far, nobody seems to have fixed it anywhere

So, with fingers crossed, lets just hope this never translates into a real problem.

What the kernel reports of the CPU's capabilities.

[    0.041496] mce: CPU supports 7 MCE banks
[  299.540930] mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged

The MCE logs extracted from the buffer.

mcelog: failed to prefill DIMM database from DMI data
Hardware event. This is not a software error.
MISC 38a0000086 ADDR fef81880
TIME 1432455005 Sun May 24 13:40:05 2015
MCG status:
MCi status:
Error overflow
Uncorrected error
MCi_MISC register valid
MCi_ADDR register valid
Processor context corrupt
MCA: corrected filtering (some unreported errors in same region)
Generic CACHE Level-2 Generic Error
STATUS ee0000000040110a MCGSTATUS 0
CPUID Vendor Intel Family 6 Model 69
Hardware event. This is not a software error.
MISC 78a0000086 ADDR fef81780
TIME 1432455005 Sun May 24 13:40:05 2015
MCG status:
MCi status:
Uncorrected error
MCi_MISC register valid
MCi_ADDR register valid
Processor context corrupt
MCA: corrected filtering (some unreported errors in same region)
Generic CACHE Level-2 Generic Error
STATUS ae0000000040110a MCGSTATUS 0
CPUID Vendor Intel Family 6 Model 69
Hardware event. This is not a software error.
MISC 38a0000086 ADDR fef81880
TIME 1432455114 Sun May 24 13:41:54 2015
MCG status:
MCi status:
Error overflow
Uncorrected error
MCi_MISC register valid
MCi_ADDR register valid
Processor context corrupt
MCA: corrected filtering (some unreported errors in same region)
Generic CACHE Level-2 Generic Error
STATUS ee0000000040110a MCGSTATUS 0
CPUID Vendor Intel Family 6 Model 69
Hardware event. This is not a software error.
MISC 78a0000086 ADDR fef81780
TIME 1432455114 Sun May 24 13:41:54 2015
MCG status:
MCi status:
Uncorrected error
MCi_MISC register valid
MCi_ADDR register valid
Processor context corrupt
MCA: corrected filtering (some unreported errors in same region)
Generic CACHE Level-2 Generic Error
STATUS ae0000000040110a MCGSTATUS 0
CPUID Vendor Intel Family 6 Model 69



14 May 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Drupal maintenance with Drush

Another of my articles for self. Writing it down on the website is much better than pushing it on a 3rd party social site. Your data is yours. My site runs on Drupal. Given I'm not a web designer, it is not my core area. Thus I've always wanted to have minimal engagement with it. My practices have paid me well so far. And I should thank all the free tools that help do that. I like to keep a running snapshot of my website on my local laptop, to keep it handy when trying anything new. This means that the setup has to be almost identical to what is running remotely. Thanks to Drush, managing Drupal is very easy. It allows me to easily try to out changes and push them from dev => staging => live withtout too much effort. It also helps me control the environment well. And since the whole transport is over SSH, no separate exceptions are required. For long, the theme on my site had some issues. The taxonomy terms did not have proper spacing. See bug for details. With the fix, this transformed into: I wish Drush had support for revision control. Or maybe it already has, and I need to check ? Bug Fixes and Customizations would have been well recorded with a revision control system.




13 May 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Gitolite and Gitweb

This article is for self, so that I don't again forget the specifics. The last time I did the same setup, it wasn't very important in terms of security. gitolite(3) + gitweb can give an impressive git tool with very simple user acls. After you setup gitolite, ensure that the umask value in gitolite is approriate, i.e. the gitolite group has r-x privilege. This is needed for the web view. Add your apache user to the gitolite group. With the umask changes, and the group association, apache's user will now be able to read gitolite repos. Now, imagine a repo setting like the following:
repo virtualbox
    RW+     =   admin
    R   =   gitweb
This allows 'R'ead for gitweb. But by Unix ACLs, now even www-data will have 'RX' on all (the ones created after the UMASK) the repositories.
rrs@chutzpah:~$ sudo ls -l /var/lib/gitolite3/repositories/
[sudo] password for rrs:
total 20
drwxr-x--- 7 gitolite3 gitolite3 4096 May 12 17:13 foo.git
drwx------ 8 gitolite3 gitolite3 4096 May 13 12:06 gitolite-admin.git
drwxr-x--- 7 gitolite3 gitolite3 4096 May 13 12:06 linux.git
drwx------ 7 gitolite3 gitolite3 4096 May 12 16:38 testing.git
drwxr-x--- 7 gitolite3 gitolite3 4096 May 12 17:20 virtualbox.git
But just www-data. No other users. Because for 'O', there is no 'rwx'. And below shows gitolite's ACL in picture...
test@chutzpah:~$ git clone gitolite3@chutzpah:virtualbox
Cloning into 'virtualbox'...
Enter passphrase for key '/home/test/.ssh/id_rsa':
FATAL: R any virtualbox test DENIED by fallthru
(or you mis-spelled the reponame)
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.



1 February 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Debian GNU/Hurd on VirtualBox

One of the great things about Debian is the wide range of kernels it supports can run. This gives the user the flexibility to not spend time on the common userland stuff. For example, most apps, package management and system admin tasks are common across all Debian platforms. These platforms may not be optimal at par to Linux, but still, choice is good. For long, I had used Debian GNU/Hurd, only on a KVM hypervisor. Recently being involved in VirtualBox maintenance, I've almost beeing using VirtualBox for all my virtualization tasks. So it was time to try out Hurd on VirtualBox. All praises to the work the Debian Hurd team has put, it just works wonderfully. To try out Hurd on VirtualBox:
  1. You could download ready to use VirtualBox images from here.
  2. These are raw images. For VirtualBox, I'd recommend you convert the image to VDI format.
    1. rrs@learner:~/VirtualBox VMs$ VBoxManage convertdd debian-hurd-20150105.img debian-hurd-20150105.vdi --format VDI
      Converting from raw image file="debian-hurd-20150105.img" to file="debian-hurd-20150105.vdi"...
      Creating dynamic image with size 3146776576 bytes (3001MB)...
    2. The VDI format may help in with some of the goodies VirtualBox has to offer, like efficient snapshots.
  3. The rest remains the same. You need to configure the VM just as else. Currently supported arch is x86 only, so make the selections accordingly.
  4. The final VM config may look something like the following screenshot.
  5. And here's the result in a video captured on VirtualBox running Debian GNU/Hurd.




14 January 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Apport in Debian

Looking at the PTS entries, I realized that it has been more than 2 yrs, since I pushed the first Apport packages into Debian. We have talked about it in the past, and do not see a direct need for apport yet. That is one reason why it still resides (and will continue to) in Experimental. Even though not used as a bug reporting tool, Apport can still be a great tool for (end) users to detect crashes. It can also be used to find further details about program crashes and pointers to look further. This post is a call for help if there is anybody, who'd be interested to work on maintaining Apport in Debian. Most work include maintaining new upstream releases, and porting the Debian CrashDB to newer versions, as and when necessary. As said above, it is not going to be a bug reporting tool, but rather a bug monitoring tool.



Ritesh Raj Sarraf: apt-offline 1.6

I am pleased to announce the release of apt-offline - 1.6 This release is mostly a bug fix release, which every user should upgrade to. It also fixes a major bug in the way we limited the validation of GPG integrity, for the APT repository lists (Thank you Paul Wise). Also, In the last release, we migrated from custom magic library to the python shipped ctype python-magic library. That allowed some bugs to creep, and hopefully now, all those bugs should be fixed. A big thanks to Roland Summers for his bug reports and continuous feedback. What is apt-offline ?
Description-en: offline APT package manager
 apt-offline is an Offline APT Package Manager.
 apt-offline can fully update and upgrade an APT based distribution without
 connecting to the network, all of it transparent to APT.
 apt-offline can be used to generate a signature on a machine (with no network).
 This signature contains all download information required for the APT database
 system. This signature file can be used on another machine connected to the
 internet (which need not be a Debian box and can even be running windows) to
 download the updates.
 The downloaded data will contain all updates in a format understood by APT and
 this data can be used by apt-offline to update the non-networked machine.
 apt-offline can also fetch bug reports and make them available offline.
Debian changelog for the 1.6 release.
apt-offline (1.6) experimental; urgency=medium
  * [2a4a7f1] Don't abuse exception handlers.
    Thanks to R-Sommer
  * [afc51b3] MIME type for a deb package.
    Thanks to R-Sommer
  * [ec2d539] Also include debian-archive-keyring.
    Thanks to Hans-Christoph Steiner (Closes: #748082)
  * [dc602ac] Update MIME type for .gpg
  * [c4f9b71] Cycle through possible apt keyrings.
    Thanks to Paul Wise (Closes: #747163)
  * [de0fe4d] Clarify manpage for install
  * [b5e1075] Update manpage with some doc about argparse positional
    values to arguments
  * [c22d64d] Port is data type integer.
    Thanks to Roland Sommer
  * [67edebe] autodetect release name
  * [5803141] Disable python-apt support
 -- Ritesh Raj Sarraf <>  Wed, 14 Jan 2015 15:34:45 +0530



12 January 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: What firmware

Dear Lazy Web, I have an HP Envy J104TS laptop. Recently I saw an interesting message in the kernel log. [99360.969652] [Firmware Bug]: battery: (dis)charge rate invalid. Does anybody know what firmware is it referring to here ? I don't think the current set of firmwares shiped by linux are involved in battery related information. Is it the BIOS ?
[95474.561491] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[95474.803578] r8169 0000:0f:00.0 eth0: link down
[95474.803627] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[95474.933797] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[95477.111599] wlan0: authenticate with 00:03:7f:fe:00:02
[95477.127389] wlan0: send auth to 00:03:7f:fe:00:02 (try 1/3)
[95477.129315] wlan0: authenticated
[95477.131352] wlan0: associate with 00:03:7f:fe:00:02 (try 1/3)
[95477.133605] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:03:7f:fe:00:02 (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=3)
[95477.133686] wlan0: associated
[95477.133703] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
[99125.123138] device vethNLAABF entered promiscuous mode
[99125.123377] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): vethNLAABF: link is not ready
[99125.188568] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): vethNLAABF: link becomes ready
[99125.188615] lxcbr0: port 1(vethNLAABF) entered forwarding state
[99125.188631] lxcbr0: port 1(vethNLAABF) entered forwarding state
[99140.239301] lxcbr0: port 1(vethNLAABF) entered forwarding state
[99360.969652] [Firmware Bug]: battery: (dis)charge rate invalid.
[99361.729291] NMI watchdog: enabled on all CPUs, permanently consumes one hw-PMU counter.
[99361.864205] EXT4-fs (dm-2): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,data=writeback,commit=0
[99361.905210] EXT4-fs (sda6): re-mounted. Opts: data=ordered,commit=0
[102236.267648] lxcbr0: port 1(vethNLAABF) entered disabled state
[102236.556452] lxcbr0: port 1(vethNLAABF) entered disabled state
[102236.557476] device vethNLAABF left promiscuous mode
[102236.557483] lxcbr0: port 1(vethNLAABF) entered disabled state



